Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Final Movie

Final movie stills

When animating my model i discovered my original idea of the part spinning and working together didn't work as well as i had hoped. I have changed to working with a few spinning elements and some upward downward movemetns creating interesting views inside the model.
My model will be a floating object instead of on a ground plain. i feel having a camera zooming in and out of my model will also work well with the calm feel my models colours and elemetns create.

100 word rationale

My model is based upon my original datum model with lines coming out from one point.  I focused on the idea that these can fit together like the gears inside something and move with each other. I plan to animate it with this concept, having the wheels spin and rotate with each other. The colours I used were mainly blues, giving a serene/relaxed feel to my model which I also aim to keep when I animate it.

Final Three renders

Practise Renders.

 interesting view.

Good use of glass, makes interesting reflections. too dark in the background, not enough colour

added green to make brighter. dark background.

Green too dark.

good inhabitation and use of materials to create interesting view

needs colour.

needs colour.

final model with textures in sketchup

Ideas for Development.